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  1. Wesley Lynch says:

    I would like to join the website as a member.This type of information reported on this website should be viewed by EVERY White person in America.It is a known fact that the black population in our country,as a whole,is a weight on every aspect of our society.Although that may sound racist,fact is fact,and I for one am sick and tired of my kids being taught that they owe the black America because the blacks were slaves 150 years ago.Every entitlement program offered in the United States is abused by the black population and that also is a fact.
    I could continue on and on with proofs to support what I have to say.It seems that anytime I have ever blogged on these subjects,I have been called a racist;that is always said when any white person disagrees with anything a black person thinks,does,or says.This website WILL keep all viewers “in check” with what goes on around them and with the right support,maybe this EPIDEMIC can be reported so that ALL can see it.

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