Liberal Racism TV

Why ‘Liberal Racism’ TV?

Why are Americans so divided? Why does so much racism and hate still exist? ANSWER: We have a political group called the ‘left-wing’ who are masters of dividing Americans (divide and conquer) and manufacturing racism. They run most of the media and use it to beat Americans over the head with race every single day with bogus racial discussions full of fraudulent panel members and false allegations of racism (tea party, anyone who is white and opposes President Obama’s disastrous policies) against their right-wing opponents, even though NO evidence exists!

‘Playing the race card’ is the norm for the left and their strategy is that if you just repeat a lie over and over, most of the sheep will eventually believe it. Unfortunately they are very successful at that tactic.

Progressives are race baiters, race hustlers and poverty creators, who manufacture ‘white on black’ racism like it’s going out of style. They do this to keep their black constituents in line, but the end result is a large class of people who have an unnecessary resentment and hatred towards whites. They have been brainwashed with the ‘victim’ card since birth and the only thing that results from many of these folks are poverty, prison, high school drop out, pregnant teen welfare mom, the breakdown of the family unit, and government dependency to name a few. We have an epidemic of mostly young black men committing hate crimes towards whites and the national media ignores it, or distorts it. What brings on this savage behavior and rage?

Remember, these same liberals who CLAIM to represent blacks, gays, the poor etc… only represent bogus racism accusations and division. Liberals/progressives/democrats/communists are themselves the true racists. Enjoy:

Niger Innis is a brilliant man.

Zo gives a history lesson about the legacy of racism in the Democratic Party. Hear how Democrats take gross liberties with concepts of freedom on this ZoNation.

AlfonZo Rachel is taking heat from liberals for being too white. Is it because his show introduction features white people, or because he plays and enjoys rock music? Or is it simply because his critics are racists? Find out.

You won’t see this man on MSNBC or CNN because having intelligent informed blacks on the panel to oppose their narrative will destroy it.

Allen West: True racism lies among white liberals who think black conservatives need approval from their ‘masters’

Listen to the white elitist liberal Barbara Boxer talk to Harry Alford with such condescension. This is very racist, but some just can’t seem to pick up on that.

Dr. Ben Carson was on with Mark Levin yesterday to discuss the recent attacks against him from the liberal community. Dr. Carson said white liberals, “Are the most racist people because they put you in a little category, a box. You have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation.”

Alford on O’Reilly explaing his smackdown of Boxer.

Obama accepted Reid’s apology, but only because Obama is not really ‘black.’

White and black liberals attacked Stacy Dash in the most crude and vicious attacks ever seen on Twitter.

Alan West, the definition of a REAL black man, discusses white liberal racism.

Ben Carson would make a great President in 2016. He would be the 1st black president (really).

This tattooed skank must of been a black woman in her prior life; She sure sounds like she knows what it’s like to be black doesn’t she?

Rising Republican star Mia Love’s Wikipedia page was vandalized overnight with racist and sexist epithets.

The attack comes as Democrats and liberal media outlets criticize or downplay the GOP’s effort at showcasing diversity at their convention in Tampa.

Love, a Utah city mayor and congressional candidate who is black, delivered a brief but rousing address Tuesday night at the Republican National Convention. The daughter of Haitian immigrants told her family story, throwing in some jabs at President Obama’s “divided” America for good measure.

Bloggers were quick to spot some inflammatory changes to her Wikipedia page that night. Though the changes have since been removed, screen grabs posted to various websites show one section called her a “dirty, worthless whore” who sold out to big business. Another section again called her a “sell-out” to the “right wing hate machine,” before accusing her of being exploited “like the House N—– she truly is.”

African American Conservative Speak Out On their treatment On Hannity, who unlike CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, has black conservatives on his Fox T.V show.

The gay black man from MSNBC is still swole over many conservatives opposing gay marriage. MSNBC is a joke.

Clarence Thomas on his treatment by the liberal elite.

A little humor…

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