Food Fights!


Restaurant brawls involving black women are becoming a new epidemic in America. Late-night brawling at Dennys, IHOP, Waffle House, Diners, McDonalds and other restaurants all over the country are being posted all over YouTube with many going viral. While usually not ‘racist’ these brawls do seem to involve black women over 90% of the time. That’s a staggering percentage!


So why are so many black women, usually “coming from the club” at 2am, involved in these late-night vicious restaurant brawls? Bystanders, mostly black MEN, are usually recording them on their cell phones and encouraging the fighting instead of breaking them up. What does this say about the culture we have? Why do these people act so savagely and ignorant at a place of business? And what about the stereotypes put on the black women who don’t act ignorant and who have to deal with the stares and chatter they get when they visit a restaurant just to have a nice dinner?

ihop 2818 west diversey parkway chicago il

As you will see in the VIDEO’s below, these are not white ‘soccer moms’ or successful black women, they are mostly straight up hood women. This is ANOTHER epidemic that will be IGNORED by the liberal media, democrats and the race hustlers (who ironically are the same group of people on the LEFT who are responsible for this type of behavior and poverty creation). This problem should be addressed and corrected because it’s becoming yet another black eye on black women and the black community.


DING! DING! You now have ringside seats to a society and culture declining faster than MSNBC’s ratings and Obama’s approval ratings. (We can’t post all the fights as there appears to be hundreds, but we will try to post the more popular ones.)

IHOP Destroyed in Brawl

Atlanta Mall Food Court

Dennys Top 10

New Orleans Waffle House

Tuscaloosa Waffle House

Columbus Ohio Waffle House

White Girl Assaulted in Waffle House Alabama

Gay Blacks Beat Straight Black Dude for Calling them ‘Fags’

IHOP in Houston

Diner fight in Trenton NJ

Augusta Waffle House Waitress Brawl!

Camden Waffle House

Birthday Beat Down at McDonalds

Waffle House Unknown Location

IHOP 3 black girls jump one white guy.

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