Archive for the ‘Flashmobs’ Category

Even by Baltimore standards, neighbors are astonished at the frequency and intensity of black mob violence in and around a suburban skating rink this summer. And last summer. And the summer before.

And at other skating rinks and other shopping centers and other neighborhoods in the Baltimore area over the same period.


The media has replaced the headlines of “black” mobs with “flash” mobs or “teen” mobs. How are they going to address the problem if they’re not honest about it? Is an entitlement society and family breakdown to blame? If so, who is responsible for creating that environment?

Even when you try to give credit to CNN for addressing the problem, the often dishonest Roland Martin still denies this an ‘African-American’ problem!

After an epidemic of black flashmob violence in Philadelphia, Democrat Mayor Michael Nutter wasn’t in denial like Roland Martin and others on the left, and spoke with brutal honesty in the VIDEO below with massive applause. The entire speech is great, but it gets really good around the 5:30 mark.