Human Garbage: Black Teen Brothers Murder White Iraq War Veteran After Arranging to Sell him iPad on Craigslist

Posted: December 11, 2013 in Black on White Racism & Crime


Jim Vester, who has served the military for 12 years was shot dead while buying an iPad he saw advertised on Craigslist

Vester, 32, was pronounced dead at the scene in Indianapolis and leaves behind his wife Jamie and son Gavin
Tryon Kincade, 19, and his brother Tyshaune Kincade, 18, have been formally charged with Vester’s murder
Brothers Tryon, 19, and Tyshaune Kincade, 18, were formally charged Monday in the shooting death of Sergent First Class Jim Vester, 32, after arranging to sell the 12-year military veteran an iPad on Wednesday.



According to phone records released by the police, the Indianapolis father wanted to buy an iPad from the brothers as a Christmas present for his parents based off of their Craigslist ad.

At 3:05pm, Vester texted: ‘Can I get your address’. At 3:14pm, the suspects texted him to meet at 920 Wyckford Dr.

Vester arrived at the address at 3:49pm and texted: ‘are you here?’ and the suspect quickly replied ‘yes’. Five minutes later Vester was killed.

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