ALMOST: Media Finally Addresses ‘Knockout’ Game & STILL Manages to Get it Wrong…

Posted: November 26, 2013 in Black on White Racism & Crime

WRONG: This is NOT a new trend, these are black on white racial attacks and they have been happening for years. Over 90% of these ‘knockout’ game attacks, also called ‘Polar Bearing’ are black on white assaults. The media has also downplayed the number of deaths from the ‘knockout’ game as being anywhere from 6-9, when it’s closer to 50.

The ‘knockout’ game is NOT new! It has been around since the 90’s and has been sensationalized recently through YouTube, WorldStarHipHop, and an INTENTIONAL agenda by the media and the Obama administration since 2008, to divide Americans by race and class. (And it’s working!)

So after years of hounding the media to address this deadly game, they manage to screw it up by refusing to admit that it’s purely a racial assault game intended to KO white folks.

The media is quick to lie and deceive the public when labeling members of the conservative/libertarian Tea Party movement as ‘racists’ with ZERO evidence, but label these REAL racists who TARGET and assault white folks as ‘teens’ or ‘bored kids.’ These teens are racist! The Tea Party is NOT racist, it’s a group of deeply CONCERNED Americans who simply want less corruption and wasteful spending in our government, and who just happen to be ‘mostly white.’ According to the media, if anything that is ‘mostly white’ it must be considered racist, right? Maybe they should look over the hundreds of VIDEOS and evidence of racial assaults on this site and stop worrying about their left-wing narrative.

The American mainstream media has always been biased, lazy, dishonest and loaded with spineless so-called journalists, which explains why they’re not only a decade late with reporting on the disturbing ‘knockout’ game, they couldn’t even get the story right.

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