DO YOU REMEMBER? Four Black Men Rape & Torture White Marines Black Wife in Front of Him, Then Murder Both of Them, Burn House.

Posted: August 27, 2013 in Black on White Racism & Crime


The coward District Attorney Rod Pacheco straight up LIES in the camera about this being a burglary!

You probably didn’t see this story running 24/7 on CNN and MSNBC as it would had the races been reversed.

According to the New York Daily News: “A Brooklyn-raised Marine sergeant and his new bride were tortured and killed execution-style in their California home – allegedly by four other Marines under his command. Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, who was raised in Bensonhurst, and his wife, Quiana, were found bound and gagged in the ransacked house, each shot in the head. Pietrzak was the suspects’ sergeant at Camp Pendleton, Quiana’s mother said Wednesday… Investigators said the motive for murder was financial gain.”

What kind of money is a Marine sergeant going to have in his home? This was a racial hate-crime by Blacks who didn’t like a White man taking one of their women. The article is a bit vague mentioning “torture.” A second news article notes “All four said that 26-year-old Jenkins-Pietrzak was sexually assaulted, but each suspect said the other three did it. Lance Cpl. Kesaun Sykes, 21, reportedly confessed to cutting off her clothes. A fire was set in the home, apparently to destroy evidence of the crime.”

The Post article notes “A spokesman for the Riverside County district attorney’s office would not comment on reports that Pietrzak was killed by his own men. Detectives also did not divulge what the accused Marines were looking for, but the suspects were tied to the crime by items found in their homes and on the military base…The Pietrzaks were not rich and purchased their five-bedroom home in May through a foreclosure, said Waldemar Piasecki, a New York-based Polish journalist and family friend.”
You have to be careful about buying and living in a foreclosed house. Many of these are in bad (read black) neighborhoods.


The Post continues “On Oct. 15, deputies were dispatched to the Pietrzak home in Winchester, an exurb of San Diego, when the Marine did not show up for work. When they arrived, the deputies found the Pietrzaks in the living room and evidence that the robbers had tried to cover their tracks by torching the house. Charged with murder and other crimes are Pvt. Emrys John, 18, of Maryland; Lance Cpl. Tyrone Miller, 20, of North Carolina; Pvt. Kevin Darnell Cox, 20, of Tennessee, and Pvt. Kesuan Sykes, 21, of California.”

More accurate than our media…

UPDATE: Death sentence and life w/o parole. But still no mention of a hate crime.

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