NO JUSTICE! NO CHARGES FILED: Two Black Bullies Beat White 12-year-old Bailey O’Neill into a Coma, Later Dies at Hospital. (Thugs Get Two Day Suspension!)

Posted: August 26, 2013 in Black on White Racism & Crime

You probably did not hear about this story…

Bailey O’Neil was a victim of black on white violence, and as usual, the media was censoring the race of the attackers. However, Channel 10 could not resist interviewing the father of one of the thugs.

Bailey O’Neil was beat to death by two thugs at the majority black Darby Township school outside of Philadelphia. Bailey was hospitalized and rapidly deteriorated. He was taken off life support and died about two months after the mob beating. (Police claim it was one and claim to have a VIDEO yet we can’t see it)

Delco D.A.: No homicide charges in death of Bailey O’Neill

Baily didn’t have on a ‘Trayvon’ hoodie, he was wearing ‘white skin.’

The school suspended the perps for two days and never pursued criminal charges. To date, the perps have never been charged with a crime.

Philadelphia has so much racially motivated black on white violence that even the left-wing Philadelphia Magazine just ran a headlining article about it. “Being White in Philly”

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