Black Woman Murders, Burns Little White Boy…

Posted: July 18, 2013 in Black on White Racism & Crime

Mona Nelson, the “accused” black child murderer, lived in the same apartment complex as little Jonathon Foster. Nelson is a welder by trade. On this past Christmas Eve, she abducted little Jonathon. She tied him up with twine. She then tortured the little boy, with her welding torches, eventually burning him to death. She then threw his charred little lifeless body into the back of her pickup truck and drove away from the apartment complex. She eventually stopped along the side of the road, and threw his body into the a ditch later that same night. A security camera just happened to catch her on video as she pulled the little body from the bed of the truck and dumped him into the ditch.

The police now believe after searching her apartment, that it is highly likely that she has committed more crimes against white children, up to and including murder.

The woman accused of murdering the boy and burning his body says: ‘I am not a monster… I love kids’

  1. Julia says:

    I am stunned! Why did this child not get the President’s attention? This child was innocent! Mr. President, please take a stand for crimes against children! White or black, red or yellow, this could have been your child!

  2. Jason Dams says:

    What was the date on this? Anyone know when this happened exactly?

  3. douglasjbender says:

    I still have not seen any credible evidence to suggest that she blow-torched him to death. That means, maybe she did, but maybe she didn’t. For all we know, maybe she strangled him, THEN burned his body with a blowtorch. (As for me, I would not be surprised at all to find that she tortured him with the blowtorch first, then killed him. But we don’t know how he died, yet.)

    The closest I have found is an article ( ) from around the time of the murder that says the police “believe” he was killed with a blowtorch. But it says that they base that belief on the fact that the autopsy found “no broken bones or any signs of strangulation or head wounds”. I am no expert by any means, but it strikes me as odd that an autopsy of such a badly burned body could determine if the victim had been strangled or not. And, even if no strangulation occurred, what about simply placing a plastic bag over the victim’s head, and suffocating them?

    As I said, I think it’s quite likely that she DID kill him with a blowtorch. But it’s making far too great a leap, at this point, to claim as fact that she did.

    • watchracism says:

      Are you serious? What don’t understand about the prosecutor describing how the boy was ‘burned to death, wrapped in a carpet and left in a ditch’ and that it was a ‘blow torch’ and the scumbag suspect was a ‘welder?’

      • douglasjbender says:

        I didn’t see that. But even if that is what the PROSECUTOR claims, what is the EVIDENCE that supports those claims? Even granting that the boy’s body was burned, wrapped in a carpet, then placed in the ditch by that black woman welder, what EVIDENCE is there that the boy was ALIVE when she took a blowtorch to him? THAT is the point I am making/asking.

      • watchracism says:

        It’s a dumb one. Maybe a psychic can tell you what really happened. Or just ‘guess’

      • douglasjbender says:

        No, it’s not a “dumb” point. Perhaps you are not up to the intellectual challenge of recognizing that it is relevant and significant. Murders and murderers are terrible things — and Mona Nelson clearly murdered the little boy. She is vile, and deserves to be killed without mercy. But some murders are beyond vile, as would be the case IF the boy had been tortured and killed by a blowtorch, rather than being killed first, then burned. But you seem unable to recognize this distinction, or to be unmoved by it. Either way, you seem deficient in some fashion.

      • watchracism says:

        No, you are speculating and I am presenting facts. He was 100% tortured, blowtorched and murdered. You just question the order it was in. This blog doesn’t claim to be the medical examiner, we expose ‘black on white’ crime and violence…and we did. Our job is done here. Move on…

      • douglasjbender says:

        You really are clueless, aren’t you? According to your logic, it is possible for someone to be murdered THEN tortured. Brilliant. I can see your job here is done — you have shown yourself to have some serious reasoning deficits. No point in my trying to reason with you any further, I see, so indeed I shall “move one”.

      • watchracism says:

        I never suggested that, because that’s not torture, that would be abusing a corpse smart one. It was you who suggested that- go back and read your comments (and my comments) moron.

      • douglasjbender says:

        “He was 100% tortured, blowtorched and murdered. You just question the order it was in.”

        Yes. Since it is clear the the “torture” would have been being “blowtorched”, the only “question” is regarding the sequence between “blowtorched/tortured” and “murdered”. Your comment that I “just” question the “ORDER” is equivalent to implying that he COULD have been murdered THEN tortured with the blowtorch. THAT is the point I have been trying to get across to you — there is as yet NO DIRECT EVIDENCE that he was FIRST blowtorched/tortured and THEN murdered. As I have tried to make clear, it is possible that she murdered him by suffocation, and then burned his body with a blowtorch in order to hide his identity. Personally, I would not doubt at all that she tortured him — I am simply trying to apply the same fairness and reasoning to this case as I had hoped the liberals had to the Trayvon Martin case. You are doing basically what the liberals did in that case, and make unjustified assumptions, and then condemn others for questioning your conclusions. Stop it.

        But if you still want to continue arguing that you are right and I am wrong, then I am done in any case, because it would be clear that you are not quite up to my standards of logic.

      • watchracism says:

        Are you ‘stuck on stupid?’ The Headline states what happened and we reported what the media did. We didn’t ‘add’ anything different. Move on Dougy..

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